It's that time of year again...the most revered day of all the days...October 5th! Happy Birthday Stan! I wish I had older, funnier pictures to show of you, but I searched high and low and came up a little short. In honor of are a few memories I have.
I remember when we used to stay up all night Christmas Eve, playing Eights Are Up (which has to be one of the most boring games known to mankind!). One year we made the deck of cards so big, there was no possible way either of us was going to win.
I remember when you told me that the Publishers Clearing House was right down the street from us and that I would probably have a better chance of winning the sweepstakes if I hand delivered it. I was dressed and out on the sidewalk before anybody told me the truth!
I remember trying to help you learn Doctrine and Covenants 4 in Spanish before you went on your mission. I don't remember a word of it, but it was good times reciting it over and over and over again.
I remember when you used to hide in the back of the van when Mom and Dad were going somewhere. Along those lines, I also remember Dad chasing you clear up to the top of the hill one day...I'm sure you probably deserved it!
I remember when we used to meet at the CougarEat for lunchbunch. You were wasting away to nothing so I am sure you weren't actually eating much while we were there but it was always fun to chat.I remember when you, Jen and Grandma would sing, "Stop, in the Name of Love" with your own dance and everything.
I remember when the Jazz were in the playoffs and you were cheering for the Lakers. Grandma put signe up all around the house showing were Laker fans had to sit (outside!).We have had some good times over the years. I hope this year is just as fun. Happy Birthday!
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