Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day One we hit the ground running on day one of the remodel. We tried to sleep in (Dal woke me up at 6:45 because he couldn't sleep in). We had a nice waffle breakfast and started working at 9:00.

The popcorn came off great and we were pretty much done with the major scraping in the Living Room by 10:00. Not too shabby! Here's Dal at 10:00 this morning:

Next the carpet got hauled out to the side of the house. Good-bye forever!

And 9:30 tonight this is where we are. Our goal for the day was to scrape all hte ceilings and get all the carpet out. Check! We did it. Day One was a success!

I know it looks like there is still carpet in these pictures, but that is just the foam underneath. We didn't take it all out because we wanted a little cushioning for the other work to come.

Oh yeah...sorry if you tried to call us today...I took down the computer which happens to also be our telephone. It is now back up and running, though, so feel free to call once again.

And I just wanted to say thanks to Shannon for taking the kids to the library and park today. They loved it. Kelsie kept telling me all afternoon that she got to go to the park with "kinzie." For those of you wondering what they did the rest of the day...they were banished to the garage to watch movies all day. Tyson has been looking forward to this since we started planning this remodel. I wonder how long that excitement will last for him. Kelsie is already over that.

I am dead tired and need to go to sleep now. Bring on Day Two!

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Summer said...

This is so exciting!

Kayli said...

Good job Tiff & Dal. I'm excited to come visit and see the results.

Kayli said...
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Jessica said...

You should have waited until summer then i could have played with tyson and kelsie. We did that to our office a few months ago. The small room upstairs.We scraped off the ceiling stuff then put in wood and painted it. It looks so much better now. haha It looks life fun :)