Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A New House for the Rigbys! we don't really get a new house, but we are fixing this one up. Starting tomorrow, we are changing a few things around the place. (I guess the fact that our house is now worth next to nothing so we will not be going anywhere anytime soon as we originally thought has finally motivated us to make some home improvements!)

It all started with our nasty carpet. I have wanted to replace it pretty much since we moved in almost five years ago. (I will post pictures of its nastiness later) We decided that since we have small children who believe food tastes better off the floor than from a bowl, new carpet was never an option. Thus we are extending the Pergo from the kitchen into the living room, family room and down the hall. Since we have to clear the house out to pull up the carpet, we figured we might as well scrape off the oh-so-trendy popcorn ceiling while we are at it. And of course, once the popcorn is gone, I am finally going to be able to have the crown molding I have always wanted. Nobody in their right mind would put up crown molding without replacing the old mini-sized base boards that are original to our 50-year-old house. And while we are at it, there are a few rooms that could use a fresh coat of paint. You see how it goes! Who knows how many more projects will be added to the list before the couches come back into the house.

You may be thinking, "Why is Tiffany rambling on about all this in so much detail?" Because it is my blog and I can write what I want to! Just kidding. I just wanted to warn you that I would be offline for who knows how long. I know I don't blog all that much so you probably won't even notice my absence for the next few weeks, but I thought it polite to mention it anyway. So with that...I must go move all my furniture out of the house. Wish us luck (The before and after pictures will be forthcoming) If I find somewhere else in the thouse to set up the computer, I might even get around to posting some action shots of the process so you can all feel bad that you're not here helping us!


Jessica said...

I'll come help you! I dont like Idaho right now. I hate cold and snow. yuck. hey want a visitor in the summer for a few days?

Dirk Handlebar said...

This post needs pictures.

Good luck! Need any day-workers?

Kayli said...

You're funny Tiff!! And good luck!