Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Little Aloha we've been back for a week now, but it seems like forever...I'm losing my tan already! I don't have very many pictures, so this is a mini blog with many more pictures and stories to come. We were lazy and let everyone else take the pictures, but not we have to wait until they send them to us...Not happening very fast, Jen! Anyway...we had a great time but we are happy to be back home with the kids and all the craziness that comes with it.

Heidi had a few extra leis after the luau, and I didn't want them to go to waste. After this picture, they decorated our house for the rest of th week!

This is just a picture to show the location of our house that we rented. It was a great location. Do you see that sand right off our deck? Where the plants are, is where you go down a couple of feet to the beautiful sandy beach below!

Dal and I stayed in Wikiki one extra night after everybody else flew out. We stayed just a couple of blocks from the beach. This picture was taken from our balcony, but it doesn't do it justice. We could actually see the surfers from our room. We didn't stay there too long (North Shore is WAY BETTER), but it was fun to walk around all the touristy stuff!

Like I said, there will be more to come, but I wanted to get a little something down before it was totally outdated. Check back for more soon!
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